Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Betrayal in Julius Caesar - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 2 Words: 467 Downloads: 4 Date added: 2019/03/26 Category History Essay Level High school Tags: Julius Caesar Essay Did you like this example? We saw a lot of betrayal in the movie of Julius Caesar, the main point in the movie was the plot to kill Caesar by Brutus, who was once thought to be his friend. This wasn’t the only instance of betrayal there are many more such as, Cassius, who was jealous of Caesars power, and Marc Antony, who stayed true to Caesar but was disloyal to Brutus. Betrayal was a big part of the whole movie and showed what it had been like to have power back then. Another instance of Betrayal I didnt mention before is when Caesar betrayed his wife Calpurnia when he had an affair with Cleopatra, the Egyptian queen. When Pompey fled to Egypt Caesar followed him to make things right, but when he arrived there, he found that the Egyptians had cut off Pompeys head and put it in a box. Caesar was disappointed, while he was in his room, a servant came and asked to speak to Caesar, the servant was actually Cleopatra in a disguise; she seduced Caesar and thus began the affair. Soon he and Cleopatra had a son named Caesarion, he and Cleopatra returned to Rome and started his short-lived life with Cleopatra. Leading into Brutus’s Betraying skills. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Betrayal in Julius Caesar" essay for you Create order Upon caesar’s return, he was warned to beware of the ides of march by a soothsayer,; he dismissed the warning, but soon after his ex-wife Calpurnia had a dream he had been killed, she went to warn Caesar. Although still he dismissed it. He should have listened to all the warnings because, Cassius had started a plot against the dictator and Brutus had joined in on it gathering as many other Senators as they could. Caesar going into the meeting had dismissed his guards, the Senators approached the Caesar to supposedly take care of a manner of business but soon after the assassination began. The senators took turns stabbing Caesar, the last person was Brutus, who Caesar thought was his friend, Caesar died in front of a statue of Pompey. This was the worst Betrayal of all, Caesar knew the Senators had hated him but, he never expected them to take it this far. In conclusion Friendship and Betrayal were at the center of everything in the movie. Many people in Ancient Rome wanted to have more and more power which made them do selfish things which almost always ended badly. So, I believe a betrayal is one of the worst things you can do to a person once you gain their trust; it shows that you care more for your own desires than others. Everyone has friends and enemies but just like the saying says keep your friends close and your enemies closer, always watch your back and have others backs when they need you most.

Monday, December 23, 2019

Nike Blue Ribbon Sports by Bill Bowerman and Phil...

Nike started its empire as a company to distribute a Japanese running shoes, Tiger, in the United States with the name Blue Ribbon Sports by Bill Bowerman and Phil Knight in 1964. Its founders have a very good coach-student relationship back in the days where both were still at University of Oregon; Bowerman was Knight’s coach seeking a better running shoes and Knight loves athletics so much that he could not live without it. The good relationship continues to start a business together, Blue Ribbon Sports. After the success of Tiger shoes, Nike is invented in 1971. Nike is actually the name of the winged Greek goddess of victory and the SWOOSH logo represents the wing of the Greek Goddess NIKE. The original logo was invented by Caroline Davidson and trademarked in 1971. Fast forward, they introduced the new slogan â€Å"Just do it† slogan in 1988. Nike, Inc. aims to deliver value to their shareholders by establishing profitable products. They focus on Nike Brand and Brand Jordan that are divided into seven major categories: running, basketball, football (soccer), men’s training, women’s training, NIKE Sportswear, and Action Sports. Despite the seven major categories, they also produce products for kids, athletic, and recreational uses. Among all of that, NIKE Sportswear, Running, Basketball, Football (Soccer), and kid’s shoes are the top selling products. Their strategy it to create personal deep connections between the consumers and their brand, and to deliver compellingShow MoreRelatedNikes beginning history and success.1356 Words   |  6 PagesNike: The Beginnings The Nike Corporation originated from two sources, Bill Bowermans quest for lighter, more durable racing shoes for his Oregon runners, and Phil Knights search for a way to make a living without having to give up his love of athletics (Hincker 1). Their ideas and actions within Nike have radically changed the way sports, business, and popular cultures interact. This influence is seen best through the history of Nikes formation in its beginning years. The concept that wouldRead MoreNike Background966 Words   |  4 PagesBackground information: Iconography Explanation Nike Heritage NIKE, pronounced NI-KEY, is the winged goddess of victory according to Greek mythology. He sat next to Zeus, king of the Olympian pantheon, in Olympus. A mystical presence, symbolizing victorious encounters, NIKE presided first battle in history. A Greek saying: When we go to battle and win, we say it is NIKE. Synonymous with honored conquest, NIKE is the twentieth century footwear that lifts the world s greatest athletes to new levelsRead MoreEssay on Nike Informative Speech1023 Words   |  5 PagesOutlines Guide Complete this form. Copy the entire contents of the form. Name: Chris Bell WORKING OUTLINE Complete this outline using complete sentences. Topic: Nike Specific purpose statement: To inform my audience †¦ How the Nike brand was formed and became a household name. Thesis statement (central idea): Nike brand is a well-known household name because the companies founders were able to capitalize on a logo paired with celebrity sponsorship and representation. OrganizationalRead MoreTarget Market of Bata1441 Words   |  6 PagesBata Shoe Limited, the countrys largest shoe manufacturer, will start marketing world famous Nike shoes and sportswear next month as it aims to grab a slice of the fast-growing branded footwear market, a company official said Wednesday. Nike has already made Bata the licensee for Bangladesh, allowing the multinational shoe company to market its products all over the country. Initially, we will market Nike products including shoes, apparel and lifestyle items in five of our top stores located inRead MoreNike Inc.4013 Words   |  17 Pagesis Nike Inc. I chose to do my research on Nike because I am for one, very much interested in Nike, and secondly I am very interested in Nike s clothing, shoes, and accessory line. br brBasketball players want to be like Mike, but shoe companies want to be like NIKE. NIKE is the worlds #1 company and controls more than 40% of the US athletic shoe market. The company designs and sells shoes for just about every sport, including baseball, volleyball, cheerleading, and wrestling. NIKE alsoRead MoreEssay about Analysis of Nike3792 Words   |  16 PagesAnalysis of Nike Basketball players â€Å"wanna be like Mike†, but shoe companies â€Å"wanna be like NIKE.† NIKE is the worlds #1 company and controls more than 40% of the US athletic shoe market. The company designs and sells shoes for just about every sport, including baseball, volleyball, cheerleading, and wrestling. NIKE also sells Cole Haan dress and casual shoes and a line of athletic wear and equipment, such as hockey sticks, skates, and timepieces. In addition, it operates NIKETOWN shoe Read MoreNike : A Global Fashion And Sport Icon1632 Words   |  7 Pages Nike a global fashion and sport icon to the world is branded as one of if not the best athletic company in the world. Nike produces athletic gear for every sport imaginable. They are known as well for there one of a kind products but as well as the brand that the best athletics wear and advertise for. The founders of Nike Phil Knight and Bill Bowerman meet when Bill Bowerman was the training coach for Phil Knight when he ran track for Oregon. It was there at the University of Oregon where Bill BowermanRead MoreNike, Clothing, Fashion Accessory, Foot Wear, Sports Equipment824 Words   |  4 PagesName: Nike, Inc. Industry: Clothing, Fashion Accessory, Foot Wear, Sports Equipment Internet address: www.nike.com Primary SIC code: 3021 - Rubber and Plastics Footwear Primary NAICS Code: 316210 - Footwear Manufacturing Major Products and Services: 1. Nikes major products are; athletic shoes and apparel for soccer, basketball, tennis, football, Running, golf, the Jordan brand, Men’s Training, Women’s Training, Action Sports. 2. Equipment: Nike produces sporting equipment which include sports ballsRead MoreTaking a Look at Nike Inc.974 Words   |  4 PagesOverview Nike, Inc. is a multinational corporation that designs, develops, markets, and sells athletic footwear, apparel, equipment, and accessories for a variety of sports and fitness activities. In 1964, it started its empire as a company that distributed Japanese running shoes, Tiger, in the United States with the name Blue Ribbon Sports in 1964. Nike founders—Bill Bowerman and Phil Knight—had a great coach-student relationship when both were still at University of Oregon; Bowerman was Knight’sRead MoreNike s Impact On The World s Leading Athletic Footwear, Apparel And Equipment Company Essay872 Words   |  4 Pagesand equipment company, NIKE, Inc. is dedicated to inspiring every athlete to reach their full potential. Nike was previously known as Blue Ribbon Sports (RBS) founded in 1964 by Phil Knight and Bill Bowerman. Phil Knight was a middle distance runner from Portland who trained under track at the University of Oregon and field coach Bill Bowerman. It initiall y operated as a distributor for the Japanese shoe maker Onitsuka Tiger (now known as Asics). It officially became Nike Inc. in 1971 with just $1

Sunday, December 15, 2019

The Secret Circle The Divide Chapter 2 Free Essays

Cassie and Adam barely said a word the whole drive back to Cassie’s house. She was still shaken up by Faye’s words, and Adam, sensing that, just quietly held her hand while he drove. She clicked on the radio for a pleasant distraction and fiddled with its dial till she found a song she liked. We will write a custom essay sample on The Secret Circle: The Divide Chapter 2 or any similar topic only for you Order Now She couldn’t remember the song’s title, but it triggered a feeling of nostalgia in her heart, a memory of a time when her life was much simpler than it was now. She had been in New Salem less than a year, but it felt like forever and a day. Instead of watching the spring night drift by her window, Cassie closed her eyes. She let the music wash over her and tried to remember what it felt like to be not a witch but just a girl. Then she opened her eyes for a little peek at Adam. He was beautiful. In the pale moonlight, his hair appeared auburn and his eyes darkened to a deep navy that matched the night sky. How was it possible that this boy was in love with her, and only her? The Cassie from last year would never have believed it. She glanced at her own reflection in the car’s side-view mirror. She didn’t even look like the self she knew in California. Back then, she’d always felt so average. Average height, average build, ordinary brown hair. But now Cassie noticed her own multicolored highlights, and how big and round her grayish blue eyes were. And most importantly, she recognized how she’d matured into her power. She was confident now in a way she never could have imagined. When they pulled up to Number Twelve, the last house on the bluff, Cassie remembered the first time she’d seen it, how frightening and old it appeared to her with its sloping roof and weathered gray clapboard siding. Was it a good thing that she’d grown so used to it, and to all the old houses on Crowhaven Road? Everything that had struck her as odd and a little creepy before had become normal to her – it had become her life. Adam cut the engine and turned to Cassie with eager eyes. â€Å"Just ignore her,† he said. â€Å"Who?† â€Å"Faye. What she said about you winning the battle but her winning the war – you can’t let that get to you. She’s always saying that about everything. If there were a Faye doll, when you pulled its string that’s what it would say . . .† He made his voice husky like Faye’s. â€Å"Win the battle, lose the war.† Cassie had to laugh at this. Adam took her hands into his, obviously pleased he’d gotten her to smile. â€Å"You came up with a great solution for the Master Tools,† he said. â€Å"How did you think of it?† â€Å"I don’t know. It was weird,† Cassie said. â€Å"It just came to me out of nowhere.† â€Å"Not out of nowhere,† Adam said. â€Å"From here.† He pointed to her heart. â€Å"And here,† he said, pointing to her head. â€Å"That’s why we voted you leader. When are you going to get used to it, Cassie? You’re special.† At that moment, Cassie was so grateful to have Adam at her side. Sure, he’d voted with Diana earlier, but when Cassie spoke up, he supported her, and that’s what mattered. She leaned in for a kiss from his full red lips. Kissing him never got old. But he interpreted this one sweet kiss good-bye as an invitation for another make-out session. He hurriedly undid his seat belt and tossed it aside. â€Å"No,† Cassie said. â€Å"Not again.† Adam raised his eyebrows like a sad puppy. â€Å"The light’s on in the dining room.† Cassie tousled his hair and then pushed him away. â€Å"Which means my mom is probably watching us right now.† Adam grabbed for her playfully with a look of mischief in his eyes. â€Å"One day, my love, you will care less about what people think.† She gave him one last kiss on his smooth cheek and ran for the house before she changed her mind. Once inside, Cassie found her mother seated at the large mahogany dining room table. There was a soothing warmth to the dimly lit room. For once, Cassie appreciated her grandfather’s ancient electrical work, shoddy as it was. The golden maize-colored walls would have appeared yellow under the unforgiving brightness of modern lighting. Her mother’s dark head of hair shot up, and she smiled wide with surprise. Apparently she hadn’t been watching them in the car at all, thank goodness. â€Å"Cassie, I didn’t expect you home so early,† her mom said. â€Å"Care to help?† Cassie surveyed the scattered piles of colored tissue paper strewn across the vast table. â€Å"What is all this?† Her mother raised up both hands like she was in over her head. â€Å"Daffodils and cranes. Decorations for the spring festival. I volunteered, but I have no idea why. Now I’m drowning in tissue paper.† After seeing her mother sick in bed for so long, night after night, watching Melanie’s great-aunt Constance feed her healing herbs and rub her down with medicinal poultices, it was a pleasure to find her mother so worked up over such an inconsequential task. And it was good to see her getting involved in a community event, too. Cassie wanted her mom to feel at home here in New Salem and to have friends, especially now that Grandma wasn’t around. â€Å"Where do I begin?† Cassie asked as she joined her mother at the regal table. She gathered stacks of yellow and green tissue paper, figuring the daffodils were easier to make than the cranes. As she began folding and fluffing the fine paper into petals, she thought to herself: There’s probably a magic way to get this done much faster. But she was so happy and relieved to have her mom back to her old self that she didn’t mind if it took all night. â€Å"So,† her mother said, focusing her eyes fully on Cassie at last. â€Å"How’s Adam?† Cassie felt her cheeks get warm. â€Å"He’s good.† â€Å"And your friends?† â€Å"They’re good, too.† Her mom dropped the silver crane she’d been struggling with and studied Cassie’s face. â€Å"You know, I’m really proud of you,† she said. â€Å"You recovered so quickly from . . .† She paused. â€Å"From all the drama?† â€Å"The drama, yes, I guess you could call it that.† Her mother tried to smile. Cassie hesitated for only a moment, but it was enough to catch her mother’s attention. â€Å"Something’s wrong,† she said. â€Å"What is it?† Anxiety flooded Cassie’s stomach. She was enjoying this bonding time and didn’t want to ruin it. But her mother seemed genuinely open to talking tonight. For the first time in Cassie’s life, it seemed like all the secrets between them were finally out in the open, and their relationship had a clean slate. A new beginning, Cassie thought. That’s what they were celebrating, right? That’s what all these dumb paper cranes and daffodils were for, after all. Cassie took a deep breath and looked carefully into her mother’s eyes. â€Å"I’ve been wondering about my dad,† she said. Her mother immediately stiffened. Cassie noticed her jaw tighten, and then she took a long sip of her tea. The cup shook almost imperceptibly in her hand. Cassie was instantly sorry she’d said it. But when her mother set her cup of tea back down, she seemed to have recovered from the shock of the question. Or at least, she was trying to the shock of the question. Or at least, she was trying to appear as though she’d recovered from it. When she finally spoke, the words came out stilted, but patient and kind. â€Å"I’m happy to tell you anything you want to know,† she said. â€Å"All you have to do is ask.† Relief settled into Cassie’s shoulders. It occurred to her how long she’d been keeping her worries and questions tightly wound up within her body. She pushed herself to continue talking. â€Å"I know he – I mean, Black John – was evil,† Cassie said. â€Å"But he’s a part of me. And it’s a part I feel I need to understand. Is there anything you can tell me about him?† There. She said it. It was out in the open. Her mother focused hard on the paper crane in her hands. â€Å"You’re absolutely right,† she said, but she didn’t answer the question, and she didn’t look at Cassie when she said it. Cassie watched her mother in careful silence. She honed in much too closely on the silver crane she was holding, folding and refolding it several times. â€Å"The problem is that they make this paper much too thin and flimsy,† she said. â€Å"It falls apart the second you touch it.† Right before Cassie’s eyes, her mother had completely checked out of their conversation. But Cassie was determined to not give up that easily, and after a few minutes of heavy staring on Cassie’s part, her mother stopped ignoring her and briefly looked up. â€Å"Is there something you want to ask me right now?† she asked, with a feigned nonchalance. The look in her mother’s eyes revealed a fear Cassie The look in her mother’s eyes revealed a fear Cassie hadn’t seen in her since she’d fall en ill. Her face turned pale and ghostlike, like she’d aged twenty years in those five seconds of silence. And, Cassie noticed, the silver tissue paper she held in her hand wrinkled and cracked beneath the crushing tension of her fingers, like she was squeezing it for dear life. It was all too much for Cassie to handle. Her mother had just started feeling better. She’d just started to participate in life again. Cassie couldn’t afford to wreck all that with her selfish questions. Her mother was fragile, far more fragile than Cassie ever would be. â€Å"Never mind,† Cassie said. â€Å"We can talk about all that another time. We have a lot to get done here.† It had always been this way. Cassie was always the one who had to be the adult in their relationship, the one to keep her questions to herself because her mother couldn’t bear the answers – or the truth. She was a fool to think it could be any different. How to cite The Secret Circle: The Divide Chapter 2, Essay examples

Friday, December 6, 2019

Final Speech free essay sample

Through the new King Henry V’s speech to his brothers after their father’s death Shakespeare deals with the realities of succession, the difficult negotiation between governmental stability and a confused power struggle, and the death of a king while trying to keep his character true to their personality. This speech touches on everything from politeness and external observation, to the fear that naturally comes in a shift of power, to different kinds of mourning. Hal, newly King Henry V, must take his place as king and reassure everyone of the continuing stability of the kingdom, demonstrate a proper degree of public mourning as both a subject and the son of the former king, and deal with his own grief. When he says â€Å"this new and gorgeous garment, majesty, sits not so easily on me as you think† (Henry IV, Part 2, 5. 2. 44-45) he is not just simply trying to dismiss any jealousy or thought of resistance amongst his brothers, but he is also telling the absolute truth. Just like he did with the eulogies of both Hotspur and Falstaff in earlier parts of the play, Hal continues to use honesty in order to lend a more genuine tone to his otherwise fairly formal words. He reassures them of his intention to support them by bluntly telling them that he knows they fear what he may do, implying even that they might fear for their own lives, but that it â€Å"is the English, not the Turkish court, not Amurath an Amurath succeeds, but Harry Harry. † (Henry IV, Part 2, 5. 2. 7-49) He introduces and dispels the comparison between himself and a ruler who literally strangled his brothers, addressing the most extreme possibilities quickly. By the end, he assures them that not only will he not harm them; he will protect them and do well by them â€Å"I’ll be your father and your brother too. Let me but bear your love; I’ll bear your cares. † (Henry IV, Part 2, 57-58) In that, he additionally introduces the potentially uncomfortable issue of personal relationships. Once their brother, he is now also their king; once his brothers, they are now his subjects. He works with this beautifully, referring to their mourning and sadness for the death of their father as â€Å"a joint burden laid upon them all† (Henry IV, Part 2, 5. 2. 55) before he moves on to the things he promises, connecting himself with them in one way even as he has to separate himself from them in another. In this speech Hal starts off responding to a greeting by the chief justice by saying that his new robe doesn’t fit him as comfortably as the justice might think. Then turning to his brothers he tells them he knows that their sadness over their father’s loss is now mixed with the fear of him now being king. He mentions to them that they are in an English court, not the Turkish one and unlike the Turkish king, Amurath, he is not going to have his brothers killed when he inherited his father, King Amurath’s, crown; he explains saying he is â€Å"but Harry Harry† (Henry IV, Part 2, 5. 2. 49) basically saying he is a Harry, following another Harry and they have no reason to worry. He tells his brothers to be sad because being sad truly suits them. He explains that they look so regal in their sorrow that he too will put in the sense of sadness, saying he will also wear it in his heart. He warns them to yes be sad, but don’t let it become anything more than a burden that they all share jointly. He assures them that as far as he is concerned, he will be both their father and their brother now. That they are to just trust him with their love, and they can trust him to care of them. He concludes his speech by saying they should keep weeping for Harry, who is dead and he will keeping mourning also, but he says one Harry still lives, and he will convert those tears one by one into hours of happiness. This speech is important for Hal to give because it is not only Hal talking to and reassuring his brothers but also introduces him as the new King Harry V. Hal defines and explains his newly adjusted relationship with his brothers, explains that the kingdom is stable and there is no worrying over if anything bad would come out of the shift in power, and finally he tries to battle with how he wants mourn his father and what is the correct way to mourn him according to his new position as king. Hal was motivated to give this speech after the death of his father as he explains to his brothers that he must take his place as king keep the kingdom stable, and explaining to them the appropriate amount of public mourning for them as the sons of the former king. His final motive is subtle but he dismisses any jealousy or thoughts of confrontation amongst his brothers. Hal flawlessly and eloquently delivers his speech that maintains the balance between a familiar conversation with family and the regal words of a king. Revealing ultimately that the wild rebellion he previously upheld was truly an act and has so far worked in his favor going from a pub-crawler with the drunks to a newly regal king who would never be suspected of having such a rebellious past. In an earlier version of Hal’s speech there is not much change from that version to the newer version of the speech. In the older version of the speech something’s that have changed is the grammar and spelling. Many of the words in the older text are spelled wrong either with different letters or extra letters added to the end. In total there are thirty one misspelled words with either different letters or extra addition of letters. Most of the different letters include an ‘f’ where an‘s’ should be in most words or the addition of an ‘e’ at the end of the word. There are also more parentheses around more words in the old text versus the new. In the newer version these words are part of the text rather than in parentheses where they could potentially be excluded depending on the preference of the actor or director. Although many of the words are misspelled the meaning between the older version and the regular text are extremely similar. The true meaning and the imagery and meaning of the words in the speech have not been affected by the different in the different versions of the text. Throughout the speech there is recurring imagery both in his words exactly and some underlying imagery. The underlying imagery is centered on atonement, and the burden of leadership and duty. Atonement is an underlying image specifically for Hal, who has spent most of his time hanging around with the pub-crawlers, atonement has to become part of his new reign. He has planned all along to become a responsible king and at his fathers deathbed, he promises that his reign will be great. After he is crowned, and again during his speech to his brothers he promises those assembled that his actions as king will atone for his past. Also underlying in the speech Hal speaks of the crown as a burden. The duties of kingship come first, surpassing friendship. Hals crown will make the betrayal of Falstaff and the Eastcheap crowd a necessity. Even more important than the underlying imagery is the imagery of his exact words centered mostly on brothers and sadness. Hal refers to his brothers as a whole addressing them as ‘good brothers’. He addresses them as brothers at key parts in his speech giving the imagery that they are a united, unchanging force. He seems to use brothers to give a slightly personal feel to his regal words and to show that even though the dynamic of their relationship has changed they are still and always have been brothers. In Shakespeare’s other plays brother is used almost the same way. It is used to show a close relationship between people or showing the personal unity between or amongst a group. Shakespeare has also used the imagery of brothers when someone in power is addressing a group of people he needs something from or in a speech before battle. The other imagery of sadness and of loss is also important in his words, mostly the sadness and loss of losing his father but also the loss of more than life itself but also the loss of old friends through circumstance like when Hal loses his friends when he accepts his new role as king, though Falstaff still believes himself to be Hals friend, they rarely interact. The time is past for Hal and Falstaff; Hals throne demands it, and Henry V will betray the man who has been his surrogate father and friend. The speech that the new King Henry V delivers to his brothers after their father’s death touches on many different topics, emotions, and has hints of imagery that effect everyone he is speaking to. Hal must now take is fathers and show to everyone that his rebellious days are behind him. In the speech Hal has to desperately balance the familiarity of his family with the new responsibility as king and to make sure everyone knows that no one will be harmed and there is no need for jealously. By the end of the speech it is clear that Hal realizes the burden that has now been put on him but he makes his intentions clear as he ends his speech with â€Å"But Harry lives that shall convert those tears by number into hours of happiness.

Friday, November 29, 2019

Toyota - Promotion free essay sample

The promotional marketing aspect of Toyota is by far one of the major keys to success of the entire organization. It is so critical to Toyota that they recently spent a total of $2. 86 billion in advertising expenses, which ranks them at number six in the world for the highest advertising budget (Evans, 2011). The message is clear for Toyota. Their new organizational goal and slogan is â€Å"Moving Forward. † That is exactly their plan in the upcoming years for being right on the heels of top automakers General Motors and Ford Motor Company. To achieve this goal, the primary aspect of the organization is to get their promotional marketing out through advertising, personal selling, offering sales promotions, and being involved in publicity. Toyota spends a significant amount of money on advertising to convey their message clearly. The company plans to move forward, surpassing other automakers to claim the number one spot, by producing vehicles that are fuel efficient, reliable, affordable, and practical. We will write a custom essay sample on Toyota Promotion or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page One of the best examples in their product line is the Toyota Corolla. The target market for this vehicle is rather perplexed or simply genius. Rather than targeting a specific target market, this vehicle is designed for the needs of many consumers including families, college students, and professionals. But the real question here is how to target several consumers in different areas? The answer is by advertising everywhere possible. Toyota advertisements can be found just about everywhere including primetime television, popular radio stations, newspapers, magazines, internet banners, billboards, sporting events, sponsorships, and any of their cars driving down the road. Although the cost of advertising may seem like a big number, Toyota considers it a necessary commodity for achieving the number one auto manufacturer in the world. The only way to purchase a Toyota product is through a sales consultant at a certified retail outlet and is the reason why personal selling is a critical part to the overall success of the organization. This concept is a huge benefit for Toyota’s volume because a sales consultant has the ability to influence and persuade a consumer into making a uniformed and educated decision on their product. The biggest benefit for a sales consultant is the ability to offer a test drive which creates value and ownership in a consumer’s mind to the actual product they desire. In addition, this interaction builds a relationship and allows the consumer to get direct feedback quickly and professionally to any questions they may have. Since personal selling is a critical part to consumer purchasing, Toyota ensures that their sales consultants are highly motivated, trained, and professional. In fact, a requirement for employment as a Toyota sales consultant is to actively complete sales/ product knowledge training through their virtual online Toyota University. If a sales consultant fails to meet these standards, then they are welcomed to stay in sales but just not with Toyota Motor Company. Furthermore, sales consultants are also judged on a customer satisfaction index or survey which every new Toyota owner receives. The sales consultant is expected to provide superior customer service and is awarded financially for doing so. Sales promotions are the best way to capture the interest of a consumer. Not only does Toyota advertise their Corolla as a dependable, fuel efficient vehicle, but when they do they also include several incentives or sales promotions to interest the consumer in the product. The main goal of these advertisements is to get consumers into the retail outlets to meet with a sales consultant. According to Toyota. com, current incentives on a 2012 Toyota Corolla include combined rebates up to $2,000 and also 0% financing for up to 60 months. The idea is for the consumer to perceive the ability to take an additional $2,000 off the manufacturers suggested retail price and finance the vehicle for free at an affordable payment. In addition, a significant portion of consumers like to lease their vehicles and the current promotion on a brand new Corolla is only $149/ month with minimal cash due at signing. Going back to the target market and using an incentive as an example, a $500 rebate is included for any consumer who is trading a non-Toyota product. The goal of this incentive is to persuade consumers into considering Toyota and ultimately creating a bigger market share for the Toyota brand. Finally, where Toyota is spending a significant amount of their advertising is on their complimentary maintenance plan with roadside assistance for two years called Toyota Care that is available on any model they offer. Right now Toyota is the only brand offering this benefit and the promotion adds value to any prospective consumer (Toyota. com). Toyota admires the community and takes a part in publicity. Another avenue of marketing is to get the brand name out there in a casual but attention grabbing fashion. One way Toyota does this is by sponsoring the Toyota Center in Houston, Texas. Any event that takes place at this state-of-the-art facility has Toyota’s name tattooed all over it. The name Toyota not only appears on the side of the building, but also on ticket stubs, apparel, and broadcastings. This marketing approach gets out to huge live audiences who come to see big acts like Lady Gaga, Madonna, and the 2013 NBA all-star game. Another recent approach Toyota has taken is an event called the Tundra Endeavor Challenge. On October 13, 2012, the Toyota Motor Company will try to stun the world when their Toyota Tundra stock model attempts to tow the space shuttle Endeavor to its new location at the California Science Center in Los Angeles, CA. The shuttle and apparatus will weigh almost 300,000 pounds! The event is supposed to attract thousands of people and if done successfully, the Toyota Motor Company will have a very intuitive marketing accomplishment (Toyota. com) It is obvious that Toyota sees the promotional marketing aspect of the organization as a major key for success. In conclusion, the ultimate goal in moving forward is to get the Toyota brand name out there in a unique fashion. The goal is to provide the best products for the best value and with the best customer service. The foundation of the promotional marketing for Toyota relies on advertising, personal selling, sales promotions, and publicity.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Strategic Case Analysis of Dominos Pizza Essay Example

Strategic Case Analysis of Dominos Pizza Essay Example Strategic Case Analysis of Dominos Pizza Paper Strategic Case Analysis of Dominos Pizza Paper Last, the assignment provides the effectiveness of these measurement guidelines. This paper contains the environmental practices of Domino Pizza, Inc. Versus Pizza Hut, Inc. Stakeholders, customers, and members Of an organizations board Of directors expect executive leaders to balance the strategic fit of a company to what the environment wants and what the corporation has to offer. The expectation necessitates executives to strike a balance between what the corporation needs to what the environment can provide. The organizational lance involves both the internal and the external stakeholder. Environmental scanning allows an organization to identify possible external opportunities and threats, and look within the organizations internal environment for strengths and weaknesses (Whelan Hunger, 2010). The fast food culture in the united States has grown from a $6 billion-a-year industry in 1 970 to a massive corporate franchising empire earning more than $170 billion in annual revenue (Food Empowerment Project, 2010). Leading the way in the fast food culture is the pizzeria industry. The pizza industry is a highly competitive market. Although there are many pizza makers ranging from local pizzerias to international franchises, Dominos Pizza, Inc. , and Pizza Hut, Inc. Are two major restaurants within the industry. In 2009 Pizza Hut, lead the industry with 529 billion and 18% of pizza sales, whereas Dominos Pizza took 10% of this market with approximately $290 million in sales revenue (Young, 2009). The two competitors battle for consumer appetites, consumer dollars, and consumer attention. Before launching into a major marketing campaign, using valuable corporate sources each company implements a strategic plan with an analysis to identify the weaknesses and threats of their competitor. When Dominos conducted an organizational analysis to identify strengths and weaknesses, the company recognized their biggest strength is in name recognition, pizza delivery, and take-out pizza. The company understands the importance of brand image and further understands a strong brand image creates customer loyalty and helps the company when introducing new products into the market. Dominos enjoys a strong business network with franchise owners ND boasts a diversified franchise market. Because of the diversification and strong network capabilities with franchisees, Dominos can increase domestic and global market share, and increase sales opportunities. In contrast, Dominos weakness relates to a decline in domestic store sales affecting brand image and companys profits (Henry, 2010). Consequently, Dominos opportunity over competitors is their focus on pizza delivery services. Pizza delivery for Domino has improved operating effectiveness with minimized spending. Another opportunity for Dominos is the mobile device industry. Threats to Dominos include competition in the pizza delivery industry, consumer health awareness, and an increase of labor and food prices (Henry, 2010). On the other hand, Pizza Hut, Inc. Is the number one pizza manufacturer in the pizza industry enjoying strong brand image and recognition, and their organizational analysis revealed some of the same strengths as with Dominos. In addition to a strong brand name, their organizational strengths include a competitive advantage in developing a large network of full service pizza restaurants with delivery service, targeting efferent segments with a broad range of products, and a strong franchisee network. The organizational analysis shows Pizza Hut maintains high overhead costs with their full service restaurants, high cost of pizza products leading, and an internal conflict among franchisee owners. In contrast, the external environmental analysis reveals Pizza Huts opportunities remain in pricing by creating and offering innovative pizza selections, increased brand loyalty through good customer service, updating customer online ordering system, expanding home delivery services, and entering new markets. Threats, facing Pizza Hut come from Dominos Pizza as the number one competitor in delivery service. Because Pizza Hut boasts claims as the number one pizza manufacturer, the organization faces threats of competitors matching their products and imitating their strategy methods to gain market share (Scribed. Mom, 2012). The competitive advantage used by Dominos Pizza is in their delivery service market and the fact Dominos does not incur the overhead costs associated with sit-in dining restaurants. The competitive advantage Pizza Hut has over Dominos is in name recognition, rand- in-store dining, and a variety of menu selections. The external environmental factors used by each organization to determine environmental scanning and strategic planning are societal, task, and natural environment reports. Societal environment scanning influences long-term strategic planning and takes into consideration economic forces, technological forces, political-legal forces, and coloratura forces. Task environmental scanning involves remaining aware of the trends and changes within the respective industry, and natural environmental scanning involves those factors affecting he ecological system and how the organizations carbon footprint affects the ecological system (Whelan Hunger, 2010). Both Dominos and Pizza Hut value and understand the power Of the consumer and are attentive to trends affecting consumers. The business strategy applied by each organization focuses on the customer and making each operation more efficient. For instance, Dominos focus is on the fast-food side of the pizza industry and places emphasis on take-out and delivery services. Pizza Hut on the other hand, prefers to offer consumers the option of take-out, delivery, or dining-in. Each has created value with advantages of the Internet. With online ordering and delivery services offered by both, placing value on consumer personal time is a value added. However, Pizza Hut sustains a competitive advantage over Dominos with customer service, upgrading customer online ordering systems, expanding home delivery services (Whelan Hunger, 2010). Both restaurants use various advertising strategies as a measurement guideline to verify how their strategic effectiveness brings a return on investment. Both restaurants rely heavily on television advertising campaigns, which account or 92% of Pizza Huts paid media advertising, and 94% of Dominos paid media advertising (Young, 2009). In using social-media as a strategy, Pizza Hut implemented a broad-range of programs across social media outlets. According to reports, nearly 400,000 people view Pizza Hut advertising through social media. Dominos social media efforts, reaches 370,610 potential customers with both Dominos and Pizza Hut tripling their investment in online advertising. Dominos primarily promoted delivery service across a broad range of sites, including Amazon, Ask, Yahoo! , Namespace, Backbone, College Humor, Yellow Pages, and local newspaper sites. Pizza Hut used their key product calendar to push online sales, sending users to the companys website to place delivery orders targeting a younger and more female-skewed audience to sites, including Timeline, Cosmos Girl, Ell, Fandango, and Fox News. Each restaurant uses mobile device APS to reach consumers. Pizza Huts app allows customers to order menu items directly from their mobile devices by using an intuitive touch-screen interface. The Dominos mobile-ordering application is an phone optimized web app. By visiting Domino-corn, customers use an ordering system designed specifically for phones or an pod Touch. Dominos Pizza used an outdoor campaign, whereas Pizza Hut did not (Young, 2009). The effectiveness of the guidelines used by each company to measure their ability to grab the attention of consumers is in the tale of sales receipts. According to Young, Dominos use of TV ads directed toward recession-related advertising, and value-based offers showed good focus and resulted in a positive impact on traffic and sales. Their online and search activity supporting those promotions De to increased uptake with online delivery. A recent market share report ranked Dominos Pizza number one in online sales with an increase of 28% in market share, up from 1 1%. On the other hand, Pizza Huts use of smart media programs, particularly in social media did not increase sales. In fact, Pizza Hues receipts were down by 8% (Young, 2009). In conclusion, environmental scanning allows companies to dissect the competition to determine opportunities and threats allowing management to create a strategic plan to propel their organization in front of respective competitors.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Alcan - IT Principles Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Alcan - IT Principles - Case Study Example The rate of change in the operating environment is subject to consumer demand, government regulations, or fundamental changes in the proprietary technologies. Alan is in the mining sector with operations in primary metal, engineering products, packaging, and Bauxite and Alumina (Dube, Berner & Roy 2009). These areas of interest are very mature technologically with well-developed value chains. There is very little groundbreaking change that can force system-wide changes to the business processes. As compared to fields like IT and electronics, the areas of interest of Alcan are slow to change. Therefore, on the scale of change, we conclude that Alcan is an organization that does not change rapidly. Analyzing the operations of the company by sources of competitive advantage shows that the company relies on efficient operations to improve its bottom line. Again, the products developed by Alcan have been in the market for a very long time and the applications are not changing in any significant way to warrant the use of development of new products as a source of competitive advantage. For instance, the technology for making soft drink cans relies on the aluminium sheet produced by Alcan. Therefore, Alcan cannot rely on developing better sheets for making cans as a source of competitive advantage (Dube, Berner & Roy 2009). These two characteristics classify Alcan as an efficient, predictable operator. There are five governance archetypes used in IT governance according to Weill and Ross. They include Business Monarchy, IT monarchy, Federal System, IT Duopoly, Feudal and Anarchy. The archetypes delineate governance systems that span from a very centralized system to completely unmitigated structures. Alcan is at different levels in each of the five decision areas identified by Weill and Ross. The development of the global IT direction for the organization has not been the role of any one person. In fact, the case shows that each business unit developed its own IT agenda and pursued its own direction in IT development.  Ã‚  

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Issues in Global Business and Strategic Concepts Essay - 5

Issues in Global Business and Strategic Concepts - Essay Example y remarkable models, theories and concepts that are in line with the issues in global business and strategic concepts, particularly in understanding the future of Nokia-Microsoft merger. The said merger is generally to obtain a competitive advantage especially in mobile computing. However, specifically, the ultimate goal is to increase potential market share or global expansion for Nokia and Microsoft in areas where the two firms have vital common things to offer leading them to their competitive advantage. It is recommended that the new CEO must consider that it is essential to employ various models in business primarily in line with the issues in global business and strategic concepts. Prior to the actual implementation of the Nokia-Microsoft strategy, it is necessary that the consideration of other relevant factors such as the entry strategy, production and outsourcing, value chain, marketing strategy and the organisational structure should be required. Furthermore, the primary activities in the actual operation should be considered with particular involvement of appropriate process implemented among the following factors: structure, processes, people, culture, and incentives and control. In the age of tough competition and globalisation, firms are conditioned that they should be able to compete, and the one which will be most likely to win in the battle should be able to understand the importance of achieving a remarkable competitive strategy prior to generating a competitive advantage (Siciliani, Straume and Cellini, 2012, p.2041). Microsoft and Nokia, in the midst of tough competition in their industry, are trying to improve their market share, especially in the area of mobile computing (Egan, 2014). Thus, the work at hand tries to establish the idea that seeks to understand the competitive advantage of Microsoft-Nokia merger and the things involved in this strategy. Specifically, this report examines the areas to gain competitive advantage in the

Monday, November 18, 2019

Employment law 5 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Employment law 5 - Essay Example minating potential employees especially with the belief that those involved in unions has a better and strong voice when it comes to airing their grievances. Moreover, it shows that the employer does not respect the employment law at all cost. The Labor Management Relations (Taft -Hartley) Act of 1947 dictates that employees should be allowed to join labor organizations with a collective bargain. Moreover, it does not permit the employers and unions from involving themselves in specific labor practices that are unfair hence, ensures and pursued employers and unions in engaging in collective bargaining, in good faith. In essence, the employers are proscribed from intimidating, coercing or even firing employees for exercising their rights to form unions or even become members of various unions especially when hiring them (Goldman, and Corrada 74). State â€Å"sunshine† laws require the release of all documents relating to state business. Are employees’ personal emails subject to public disclosure? Or do state employees retain privacy in personal emails? Although the sunshine laws of the United States dictate that all documents relating to state business should be released. Employee’ personal emails are not subject to public disclosure not unless the emails are related to a criminal offence that should only be handled by the Law enforcement act. In essence, Goldman, and Corrada 87 argues that, the federal and state law does not allow employers to ask or compel the employees to give details that are not related to work or state business. This is seen as a way of intimidation or intrusion of private life. Hence, state employees’ have a right to retain privacy in personal emails away from their state business a fact that has been echoed by the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 all based in the United States of

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Why Do The Sociologists Need Theories?

Why Do The Sociologists Need Theories? In simple terms, theories are used by sociologists to explain how social phenomena has occurred. A theory is used as an explanation by sociologists as to why something occurs in society. Durkheim quotes, sociology is a way to discover ultimate truths about society, for the purpose of social improvement (Seidman, 2008). For most sociologists this quote summarizes the reasons they study society and in turn use theories to explain social phenomena. Theories offer people in sociology and outside sociology another view or take on a certain aspect of society. The more theories there are, the more choice and freedom of thought there is for someone looking for answers as to why society is the way it is. Hence theories are essential to the continuing development of society, providing potential answers to those who seek them. It is natural for humans to ask why and seek answers. Sociologist also use theories to abstract particular information and convert it into more general material, so that others can make sense of it. Further more they use theories to categorise and group sociological happenings into a specific class. In order to illustrate the above, the Neo-Marxist theorists Althusser and Gramsci will be compared, seeing as they both have their own unique approach to Marxism and interpreted Marxs ideas in different ways. Gramsci was the humanitarian Neo-Marxist while Althusser was more of a scientific Neo-Marxist (Kellner, 2005). With Althusser being a structuralist he in turn rejected Marxs Hegelian essentialism, the two kinds of which being economism and humanism (Scott, 2007). Hence Althusser was very much an anti-economist and anti-humanist. Althusser viewed ideology itself a determining inflection that moulds consciousness and ultimately represents a considerably large swerve away from economic determination (Scott, 2007). For Althusser ideology portrayed the relationship between the persons imagination and their actual conditions of existence. He felt that ideology transformed humans into subjects of ideological process that shaped them while at the same time they are conned into viewing t hemselves as self- determining agents. (Benton 1998). Further more Althussers theories can often relate to functionalism (Swingewood, 2000). Gramsci was also a strongly influential Marxist thinker. Like Althusser, he rejected economism, but also rejected crude materialism and instead offer a humanist version of Marxism which focused on human subjectivity (Nield Seed, 1981). He adopted the term hegemony to depict the supremacy of social classà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢ over others which in essence referred in particular to the bourgeoisie dominance over the working class (Nield Seed, 1981). As well as hegemony being used as an economic and political tool, he felt it gave the dominant bourgeoisie class the ability to project its own way of viewing the world upon the lower classes who then accept this as common sense and part of life. A key difference between the two Marxist theories is that contrary to Althusser, Gramsci highlights struggle and conflict (Nield Seed, 1981). He claimed that common sense was not a solid state and constantly transformed itself. Gramsci s theory meant a rejection of economism due to th e fact it saw the struggle for ideological hegemony as a major factor in social change. Overall, there were more criticisms of Althussers theories that in turn led many to favor Gramscis theories, with particular credit given to his theory of hegemony. A number of strengths can be found across the board of Marxist theory. Contrary to the mass media, Marxism takes into account the importance of explicit theory (Swingewood, 2000). The Marxist critical theory attracts consideration to the matter of political and economic interests in the mass media and emphasizes the social inequalities in media representation whilst revealing the myth of value-free social science (Swingewood, 2000). Whilst Althussers theories help to attenuate the allegory of the absolute individual, other Marxist attitudes see the media as a site of struggle. Marxist theory accentuates the importance of social class in relation to the media and the publics understanding of media, which remains a valuable factor in media assay (Kellner, 2005). This Marxist analysis is useful in that during the distribution of power in society, certain types of reality end up with more influence than others, which in essence means Marxist theory reveals how the media makes less import ant new seem far more important that it is. Meanwhile more serious and important news is sometimes swept aside and not focused on by the media for a tactical purpose. While the strengths of Marxist theory seem to outweigh the limitations, some limitations can be found. Some contest that Marxism is just another ideology, with some Marxists being accused of being too doctrinaire (following the theory regardless of its practicality). Fundamentalist Marxism is crudely deterministic, allowing not much amplitude for human agency or subjectivity (Swingewood, 2000). Another point is that Marxism is often seen as an elevated form of theory which concentrates on the grand scheme and in turn averting empirical research. This means Marxist analysis of media does not include vigorous enough studies. In conclusion, sociologists need theories to explain social phenomena and explain how the sociological world has come to be like it is. Theories offer people another view on a certain aspect of society. We all think theoretically in our own way, although the key difference that sociological theorists use is that they think theoretically in a systematic manner. Sociological theorists will arrive at different explanations for events than the theoretical approach of a normal person, and therefore will need to create a theory to explain it. Using the example of Marxist theories and theorists, in particular Althusser and Gramsci, it is possible to see why sociologists need theories. Praktische opdracht A.K: Nike Praktische opdracht A.K: Nike Inleiding: Ik heb dit merk gekozen omdat ik er graag meer over wil weten. Ik weet wel dat het eindproduct heel mooi is, maar wat voor soorten textiel ze gebruiken en hoe de import en export wordt geregeld weet ik allemaal nog niet. Ik hoop dat ik doormiddel van dit onderzoek er wel achter zal komen. Deelvraag 1: Hoe is Nike ontstaan? Het begon allemaal toen de vrouw van bouwerman tijdens het ontbijt altijd wafels bakte. Bill kwam op het idee dat je de zelfde manier ook bij schoenen kan doen zodat de schoenen dan ook lichter worden. Hij maakte een paar stuks met de hand, en zag dat er veel vraag was naar de schoenen. Toen dacht hij er aan met Phill om van China de schoenen te exporteren.Toen begonnen ze met hun bedrijfje. Johnson begon een winkeltje met de geà ¯mporteerde schoenen. Het logo Swoosh werd in 1971 ontworpen en kwam op alle artikelen van Nike. De Moon Shoe is de eerste schoenen collectie werd in 1972 geà ¯ntroduceerd, speciaal gemaakt voor atleten, omdat ze lichte schoenen nodig hadden. De schoenen werden ook verkocht in Verenigde Staten. Toen werd ook de eerste sponsorcontract getekend met de Roemeense tennisster Emma Ballard. Er werden een jaar later ook fabrieken en bedrijven geopend in Taiwan en Zuid-Korea. De eerste air schoenen werden in 1979 gemaakt, de schoenen zijn gevuld met gas zodat je je makkelijker kan bewegen met de schoenen. Vanaf de jaren 80 werd Nike het grootste sportmerk ter wereld. Deelvraag 2: Waar wordt Nike geproduceerd: Nike is Amerikaans, maar laat haar producten vooral in Azià « produceren. Nike wordt geproduceerd in landen waar de productiekosten heel laag liggen en de arbeiders het minimumloon krijgen en zo weinig mogelijk rechten hebben, zoals: Zuid-Korea, Taiwan, Filippijnen en Maleisià «. Later werd ook in Vietnam geproduceerd, omdat Nike nog meer landen zocht met lage lonen, maar de fabrieken werden onderneemt door Zuid -Koreaanse en Taiwanese ondernemers. Nu worden Nike producten vooral geproduceerd in China, Vietnam, Thailand en Indonesià «. Maar voor moeilijkere werk ook in Zuid-Korea en Taiwan en in Cambodja, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Mexico, El Salvador, Dominicaanse Republiek enz De productie van nike wordt op de volgende manier gemaakt: 1 de model wordt eerst ontworpen. 2 dan wordt het uitgewerkt bij onderaannemers. 3 de onderaannemers produceren het product in fabrieken in lage loonlanden zoals: Thailand, Indonesià «, China of Vietnam, de onderdelen van à ©Ãƒ ©n product worden vaak in verschillende landen gemaakt. Nike wordt natuurlijk in heel Europa verkocht, maar de hoofdkantoor van Nike ligt in Oregon in VS en in Europa ligt de Kantoor in Hilversum. In Australià « Nieuw-Zeeland en verschillende Aziatische landen heb je ook een Nike -Kantoor. Deelvraag 3: Is er een verband tussen globalisering en de verkoopcijfers van het merk? Er is wel een verband tussen de globalisering en de verkoopcijfers van het merk Nike. Sommige landen hebben betere eind producten dan andere landen. Doordat ontstaat er concurrentie. De globalisering speelt een rol bij vestigingsfactoren. De globalisering heeft ook invloed op de economie. Als de globalisering zich ontwikkeld dan wordt het economie ook mee ontwikkeld. Zoals we weten heeft Nederland kwalitatieve concurrentiefactoren, zoals op het gebied van arbeid en kwaliteit. Er is een zeer grote verband tussen globalisering en de verkoopcijfers van Nike. Nike is een succesvolle merk dat bekend is over de hele wereld. Het wordt overal verkocht je hebt in veel landen fabrieken die Nike kleding en schoenen produceren de hoofdkantoor ligt in Hilversum, en de verkoophandel gaat heel goed. Zoals u ziet draagt bijna iedereen Nike kleding. Er zijn fabrieken in verschillende landen in Azià « waar Nike kleding wordt gemaakt. mensen kopen steeds meer merk kleding dat komt omdat het steeds pop ulair wordt voor jongeren die een grote belangstelling hebben voor merk kleding. Of sommige mensen willen daar mee laten zien dat hun welvaart goed is en daar door ze het ook kunnen kopen. Deelvraag 4: Wat zijn de gevolgen voor de lokale economie en lokale milieu in de productielanden? De economie wordt juist beter, want er is dan minder werkloosheid in die landen omdat Nike ook een bekend merk is over de hele wereld en goed wordt verkocht wordt er ook meer geproduceerd en stijgt de economie. Zoals je weet is Nike een Amerikaanse merk en in Amerika is de economie niet zo slecht. Jaarlijks wordt er steeds meer verkocht dan er voor, maar er wordt ook in landen in Azià « Nike geproduceerd en in die landen gaat het een stuk minder met de economie. Als de fabrieken de kleding maken, dan kan het milieuvervuiling groter worden. Hoe meer ze kleding produceren hoe meer de fabrieken voor vervuiling zorgen. Gevolgen voor de milieu: Meer fabrieken in een gebied. Meer vervuiling. Meer grondstoffen in een fabriek. Meer grondstofvervuiling. Luchtvervuiling. lucht wordt vervuild door uitlaatgassen en andere gassen. Watervervuiling. is altijd vervuild door afval en fabrieken. Bodemvervuiling. De fabrieken vervuilen de omgeving. Meer fabrieken werden geplaatst op een plek. Omdat er weinig plekken zijn voor de fabrieken. In fabrieken worden producten gemaakt, en bij het maken van producten komen er schadelijke stoffen vrij. En al die stoffen komen in de lucht terecht, daarom wordt er een doorlopentijd gemaakt zodat het product niet schadelijk kan zijn voor ons als we het inademen. Bij die landen waar producten worden geproduceerd is de grond verzilt waardoor er confectiekleding wordt gebruikt tegen die stoffen. De vezels worden gebruikt voor het maken van touw. Het water stonk, het was te vies om te drinken en het was gevaarlijk. De vervuiling was dat er teveel natuurlijke stoffen van de productie in het water kwamen waardoor er een bodemerosie ontstaat. Bodemvervuiling ontstaat doordat de mens zomaar dingen op de grond gooit die hij niet nodig heeft. En daardoor wordt de bodem vervuilt en als het door gaat zal het erger worden. Deelvraag 5: Waarom verkoopt dit merk goed? Nike is een merk dat heel bekend is geworden naar mate de tijd. Dat komt natuurlijk vooral doordat bekende sporters die merk dragen. De Nederlandse elftal loopt in T-shirts van Nike. Veel voetballers, tennissers, atleten, golfers, voetbalelftallen dragen die merk. En vooral nadat de Nike -sneakers kwamen dat heeft er voor gezorgd dat de verkoop met 25% is gaan stijgen ook de winst is hoger geworden dan was verwacht. Het steeg van 261,2 miljoen dollar naar 326,8 miljoen dollar. De aandelen stegen natuurlijk ook mee van 0,98 dollarcent naar 1,21 dollar. Nike heeft Adidas als de grote concurrent, vooral nadat Adidas-Reebok kwam is de concurrentie nog meer geworden. Puma, Asics en Fila zijn 3 andere merken die het ook moeilijk maken voor Nike. Nike wordt verkocht onder de namen Nike, Air Jordan en Nike Air. Converse, Bauer en Cole Haan, dat zijn de dochterondernemingen van Nike. De actie van back-to-school seizoen van Chuck Taylor Convers zorgde voor een verkoopstijging van 12% in de VS. Doordat bekende sporters zoals Serena Williams de merk Nike dragen vooral tijdens de olympische spelen is dat een steeds betere succes voor Nike. Een paar namen die worden gesponsord en een contract hebben met Nike: Ronaldinho, Tiger Woods, Roger Federer en Michael Jordan. Ook Fc Barcelona, Real Madrid, Juventus, Manchester United en PSV. Nike heeft over de hele wereld 26.700 werknemers in dienst.In 2006 heeft Nike een winst gemaakt van 15 miljard dollar. Zo kun je zien dat het wel goed gaat met het bedrijf. Hoofdvraag: Is Nike de Belangrijkste merk op de markt? Als we ons meer gaan richten op de sportmerken dan is Nike à ©Ãƒ ©n van de topmerken over de hele wereld. Dat komt natuurlijk vooral doordat bekende sporters die merk dragen. De Nederlandse elftal loopt in T-shirts van Nike. Veel voetballers, tennissers, atleten, golfers, voetbalelftallen dragen die merk. Er is een zeer grote verband tussen globalisering en de verkoopcijfers van Nike. Nike is een succesvolle merk dat bekend is over de hele wereld. Zon wereldberoemd merk als Nike word al snel door vele mensen gedragen. Vanaf de jaren 80 werd Nike het grootste sportmerk ter wereld. Nike heeft Adidas als de grote concurrent, vooral nadat Adidas-Reebok kwam is de concurrentie nog meer geworden. Puma, Asics en Fila zijn 3 andere merken die het ook moeilijk maken voor Nike.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Another One Bites The Dust :: essays research papers

Another One Bites the â€Å"Dust† Sweet Diamond Dust, written by Rosario Ferre, focuses on modernization and how it’s impacted the country of Puerto Rico and it’s people. This book discusses the struggles and hardships of managing sugar mills and the influential changes the Americans brought to Puerto Rico in the early 1900’s. The Americans triumph over the local landowners and their sugar mills, was not all from their own doings. Their successes is in part of the town’s own greed. Through manipulation, persuasion, and cunnings, Diamond Dust was able to survive through the toughest of hardships, and still manage to be the only competitor (in Puerto Rico) to the northerners. With Diamond Dust’s success also came a price, and with the very same methods that brought the mill to its climax, also made it fall to its knees, through greed. In the beginning there was much talk of how proud the people of Puerto Rico were of their country, â€Å"Built on the gently rolling slopes that descend form Mount Guamani, it looks upon a savannah of fabulously fertile loam, whose sabled, furrowed topsoil is considered to be one of the richest in the world.† (3-4) But as the book progresses, it begins to reveal its true side. The town of Guamani was not as peaceful and giving as it is told to be. The writer tends to discuss how the Americans arrival has changed the town for the worse. â€Å" Far from being a paradise, Guamani has become a hell, a monstrous whirlpool from which the terrifying funnel of Snow White Sugar Mills spews out sugar night and day toward the north.† (7) Many Puerto Ricans of lower stature or less well of than the rich, truly believed the northerners were saviors who helped modernize a town in need of relief:  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   All this was done away with when the foreigners came: they established modern methods of reaping and planting; the field hands were treated like human beings instead of like slaves; their children could go to school; they were given adequate housing and shoes†¦ In other words, the northerners were a blessing to the poor and to the middle class as well, albeit to the rich. (68) Diamond Dust faced many hardships that could have easily wiped it out of business, but thanks to the devotion and patience spent managing the land, it overcame many close turnovers. Between Don

Monday, November 11, 2019

Plato’s Writings Essay

This paper will discuss several of Plato’s writings such as The Apology, Phaedo, Crito, etc.   The paper will be in part an analysis and in part a presentation of the philosophy of Plato through is writings as well as his writings in accordance with Socrates’ philosophy. Mortality Human nature is a nature of reason, not strictly adherent to passion or feelings.   Morality then, becomes the crux of this nature.   Morality is reason.   This is not to say that Plato was an ascetic; he placed passion, and feelings in his philosophy but the ethics of humanity are tied into the good of a person because reasonably, being virtuous, or good led a person to being happy (eudemonism).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Anything else that a person may be presented with and made to make a choice, that choice should be rooted in virtue.   Whatever else is chosen by free will should only serve to making that person virtuous.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Plato was a man filled with faith in human nature.   Plato’s philosophy of human nature doing evil was that a person only does evil in ignorance, for he believed everyone, just as himself wants only what is good.   The source of someone doing evil is brought about by unlimited desire.   Something that goes unmitigated becomes possessive of that person and they in turn want, and want, without satiation.   This is when the appetitive part of the soul (the part of the soul that wants sex, food, etc.) overtakes the rational (part seeking truth, and reason) of the soul resulting in moral weakness or akrasia.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   It is not then self-interest that leads a person to happiness, and there is a definite equilibrium between the allowance of each part of the soul guided by reason, and asceticism.   Plato was a not a Sophist.   Without the guidance of moral reason then a state of chaos would ensue entailing an everyman for himself type of attitude.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Morality must then be shown as adhering to individual interests.   Plato did not agree with the type of hedonism exhibited by the Sophists, who thought human nature was an extension of the animal world.   Instead, Plato states that the nature of man is reason; and in this reason exists an organized society constructed by reason.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Happiness for the rational man then comes into fruition by governing their more base, animal, desires, which are irrational.   This morality is extended into the realm of society because of human interaction.   Therefore, if a man is to be the pinnacle of reason, and morality, and happiness, then the society that he lives and associates must then also exhibit such a moral temperance.   If then a society is blinded by hedonism, or pure desire of self, a man in that society has no hope for personal happiness because of lack of morality, reason, and thus fully succumbing to akrasia. Plato’s Phaedo and Immortality The realm of the reasoning man, according to Plato in his work Phaedo, is extrapolated by Socrates, that is, a man who is within reason also must admit to the fundamental truths regarding life after death.   That is to say, in Socrates explanation of immortality, there remains the outlook that the body and the soul are not eternally combined; but the soul is grounded in the body through emotions, and feral states of humanity.   When the soul is released from such torpor, it then reclines back into its previous non-corporeal state to either rest, or to transform and reinvent itself in the world.   The soul, according to Socrates, is that which is in us that commands and it is the body that serves.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The soul then, according to the previous statement is created in the divine will, and since divinity cannot be defined through the corporeal, the body must be mortal, and therefore finite.   The soul on the other hand is infinite.   The soul is the image of divinity; in the soul there is found an unceasing existence of transformation.   The reasonable man must then accept the dichotomy of the body and soul, as well as accept their harmony he must distance the idea that the body and the soul are one.   The body is mortal, and can succumb to dissolution, but according to Socrates, the soul is indissoluble.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The soul then has a life of her own.   Socrates questions the ideas of what humankind supposes to be immortal.   God is immortal, and the diversity of heaven and hell in all fallible senses is immortal, but the reasonable man but design for himself the idea that he too is of a strand of divinity.   The soul is associated with the ideal and the invisible.   The body commands emotions, and its fate lies within those external circumstances, that is nature, but the soul, in Socrates’ view is above nature. The soul is a higher self.   As the introduction to Phaedo states, â€Å"The human being alone has the consciousness of truth and justice and love, which is the consciousness of God.   And the soul becoming more conscious of these, becomes more conscious of her own immortality† (23).   The soul hinges upon the realization that she is immortal.   In that consciousness, and in that state of being, there exists God, and all that is immortal.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Therefore, Socrates is trying to define the perimeters of immortality, and the fact that a reasonable man cannot indubitably believe that the body and the soul will perish, but must in fact take credence to the soul existing at a higher level of existence, that is, at the level with God.   Socrates is placing a belief system in his dialectic, and in so doing he goes into analyzing the existence of God, or the intangible being that is the divine.   In Phaedo Socrates circulates his ideas around the immortality of the soul and the acceptance of this by the reasoning man on the basis of the dimension that God portrays.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   By dimension, suffice it to say that God, in divine right, is perfect.   It is in that perfection that man may find allusions to his reasoning, and by so doing, reason that since the soul is of God, then man himself is immortal, as Plato wrights, â€Å"An evil God, or an indifferent God might have had the power but not the will, to preserve us†¦But is he is perfect, he must will that all rational beings should partake of that perfection which he himself is† (23).   Life after death then is a certainty on a celestial level.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Socrates is attempting to connect his theory of knowledge with that of the soul’s ability to reincarnate or transform or simply exist beyond the development of the natural world.   In this doctrine he attempts to bring forth the ideas of past and future states of existence.   He is attempting to define eternity, which is incomprehensible to the mortal keen, but with the soul, the soul being undoubtedly of a higher fiber than that of the mundane, Socrates must conclude that the mind itself is therefore dependent on an ephemeral essence that is beyond its comprehension.   This type of thought process is one that is known as the transcendental method of interpretation. The Apology and The Cave In The Apology Plato presents Socrates explanation of immortality.   The Apology presents the principles of Socrates in that philosophers should be humble and admit that they know nothing.   Also, in this book Socrates is explaining why he is being persecuted and the following few paragraphs will highlight his philosophy about religion. Socrates taught philosophy in a question answer dialogue.   The dialectic art of arriving at the truth was the system Socrates used.   In this regard he would arrive at the truth by questioning the belief of engaged speakers in a philosophic circle.   Although this idea of philosophy may come across as non-confrontational, Socrates used this method to verbally jab at the speaker until they themselves found fault in their philosophy, and through a system of negative or positive responses came to recognize the truth. This type of philosophy has been likened to a cross examination present in today’s court rooms, where the person under oath is asked a series of questions that are both destructive and humiliating, until they are forced to acknowledge the truth, much like the arguments around Socrates.   The aim of such confrontational questioning was always about truth; Socrates believed that this was the main goal of philosophy, and philosophical discussions, and he believed that everyone involved with the account was in pursuit of this goal as well.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In order to be human, not only the idea of reflection upon life is necessary but in emphasizes of the use of the Socratic method in that reflection and in the course of finding the truth, questions are paired with such reflection.   At this level, questioning and reflection are the apex of what it means to be human.   Socrates however had some varying views on philosophy that opposed some of what Plato believed.   Socrates was a skeptic, as was Plato, and as can be exemplified in the cave metaphor, but Socrates also believed that a person can be convicted of their own beliefs even if they cannot find their pathway of truth. Plato, in contrast, believed that philosophers were the delegates who maintained what was and was not truth, and led the way to such truth for the common man.   It is not then self-interest that leads a person to happiness, and there is a definite equilibrium between the allowance of each part of the soul guided by reason, and asceticism.   Plato was a not a Sophist.   Without the guidance of moral reason then a state of chaos would ensue entailing an everyman for himself type of attitude.   It is a bitter debate on whether or not Socrates was a Sophist, he himself vehemently denied it but some of his philosophies correlated with Sophist thinking (i.e. the issues of ethics, and living a good life, each Sophist preoccupations). Plato’s Crito, The Trial, Death of Socrates Plato is a firm believer in man not adhering to the masses opinion but staying true to one singular person, a person of wisdom, and as Plato states through Socrates, â€Å"And he ought to live and train, and eat and drink in the way which seems good to his single master who has understanding, rather than according to the opinion of all other men put together?†Ã‚   Plato’s basic rhetoric involves the golden rule of do unto others as you would have done unto you.   There must then remain the basic principles of morality in society for society to maintain it’s virtuous code of ethics.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Socrates gives many examples of when a man is injured then he in turn must not injure, for here is the principle of a moral society, and the society in which Plato was integral.   Socrates is continually requesting of Crito whether or not it is right to do evil.   For, Socrates states, that doing evil in return damages not only the man, but also the society in which the man presides.   It is therefore unjust to do evil, for committing evil is the same as injuring man, and by extension, the State.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Though the difference of partnership and dominator society is both prevalent in Plato’s Crito the difference can also be subjective.   So, subjectively speaking there is a definite sense of the dominator society in Socrates adherence to their death sentence for him.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Though Socrates’ philosophy dictates that the State has to maintain control in order for morality to support society, Plato’s partnership with the State is deceived by the phallic nature of human’s innate aptitude for error.   If the State is made up of individuals, and in Plato’s own writings, man is presumable good, or at least strives to be good, the objective reader must not misinterpret this to mean that man will always be good.   In the absolute of this believe there can exist no room for fluctuation, and it is within the nature of humanity to be inconsistent, fallible, and wrong.   Therefore, Socrates is misguided in the State, for the State is within reason imperfect for its members are human.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The State, according to Socrates is holier than father and mother for they beget father and mother and all generations.   It is because of the State that humanity exists, but it is also with the State that human nature is best exampled as dichotomized.   The State and humanity are both good and bad, capable of very evil and wicked deeds as well as   adhering to moral laws.   Plato is optimistic with Socrates, or Socrates was a very gullible man who professed to the rightness involved with the State because he was a man who liked control and not chaos.   With an objective mind, there must exist both sides of the spectrum, both control and chaos so that society can function.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The dominator societies were about autocratic power and partnership societies were about shared responsibility.   Socrates placed his faith in not the masses but the one ‘man’ that was full of wisdom; that is, the State, Plato writes, Are we to say that we are never intentionally to do wrong, or that in one way we ought and in another way we ought not to do wrong, or is doing wrong always evil and dishonorable, as I was just now saying, and as has been already acknowledged by us? Are all our former admissions which were made within a few days to be thrown away? And have we, at our age, been earnestly discoursing with one another all our life long only to discover that we are no better than children? Or are we to rest assured, in spite of the opinion of the many, and in spite of consequences whether better or worse, of the truth of what was then said, that injustice is always an evil and dishonor to him who acts unjustly? Shall we affirm that? Crito says yes, injustice is evil, and those who oppose the dictation of the State are acting with dishonor.   Socrates forgets in his delusions of morality that the State is not always guided by such moral virtue, and that in its compromise of this, becomes evil.   In current worldviews, there is a definite dissatisfaction in the governing of certain states, such as mass genocide, child crimes, etc, and if a person is to believe fully in Socrates and Plato’s philosophy the State is just in such action. Work Cited MacDonald, Ross.   Socrates versus Plato.   Aspects of Education.   P9-22.   1996. Plato.   Phaedo.     Ã‚   Plato.   Crito.   Translated by Benjamin Jowett.   < http://classics.mit.edu/Plato/crito.html>

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Free Essays on Childs Play

A child’s play is an integral part of the child growing up. This play can be done anywhere, as a child is able to conjure up situations where play is possible from just about anything. However for the purposes of this essay I will talk of the playground area at two different schools. How children manage play is what I will be looking at. The question of how much a role gender plays in differing age groups. How do children react to an older male and female ‘invading’ their territory and are there any marked differences in play between boys and girls? Younger and older students? The first school I visited was Khandallah School. A primary school of approximately 480 students aged from 5 through to 11. The school is split into two different areas. One for the younger children (aged 5 to 7) and another for the older children (8 to 11). This here is forced segregation and limited my ability to judge how a child reacts to those at the opposite end of the age spectrum. An ideal situation would have been to have one single playground where all age groups played. Thus evidence of age acceptance or rejection would have been more obvious. I walked into the younger playground to observe them first. As I walked through the playground to a spot where I could sit unobtrusively and observe, I felt like Geertz did when he first moved to Bali, as though the students â€Å"seemed to look through us with a gaze focused several yards behind us on some more actual stone or tree† (Geertz, 1973, pp 193). This feeling of ‘non-existence’ was to pursue me for t he duration of my time at this school, as I was an invisible man to the children. A mere obstacle in their way as they trod their own path of play. The nearest group of children to me were a group of 7 females with 1 male, sitting around in a circle, partaking in what looked like colouring in of sorts. I noted this as stereotypical behavioural characteristics eg what society believes little... Free Essays on Child's Play Free Essays on Child's Play A child’s play is an integral part of the child growing up. This play can be done anywhere, as a child is able to conjure up situations where play is possible from just about anything. However for the purposes of this essay I will talk of the playground area at two different schools. How children manage play is what I will be looking at. The question of how much a role gender plays in differing age groups. How do children react to an older male and female ‘invading’ their territory and are there any marked differences in play between boys and girls? Younger and older students? The first school I visited was Khandallah School. A primary school of approximately 480 students aged from 5 through to 11. The school is split into two different areas. One for the younger children (aged 5 to 7) and another for the older children (8 to 11). This here is forced segregation and limited my ability to judge how a child reacts to those at the opposite end of the age spectrum. An ideal situation would have been to have one single playground where all age groups played. Thus evidence of age acceptance or rejection would have been more obvious. I walked into the younger playground to observe them first. As I walked through the playground to a spot where I could sit unobtrusively and observe, I felt like Geertz did when he first moved to Bali, as though the students â€Å"seemed to look through us with a gaze focused several yards behind us on some more actual stone or tree† (Geertz, 1973, pp 193). This feeling of ‘non-existence’ was to pursue me for t he duration of my time at this school, as I was an invisible man to the children. A mere obstacle in their way as they trod their own path of play. The nearest group of children to me were a group of 7 females with 1 male, sitting around in a circle, partaking in what looked like colouring in of sorts. I noted this as stereotypical behavioural characteristics eg what society believes little...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Free Essays on Middle Ages

Middle Ages The idea that the Middle Ages were "dark ages" has been exaggerated a lot. In fact the Middle ages are split into three distinct time periods, which were all quite different from each other. There are the Early, High, and Late Middle Ages. Despite the reputation for being a time when there were no moves forward in Europe, there were actually many important achievements. The Middle Ages lasted from about 500-1500, the time between the end of the Roman Empire and the Renaissance. The Early Middle Ages were probably the time that most fits the term Dark Ages, even though even they weren’t all bad. Christianity spread a lot throughout Europe during this time, thanks in part to rulers like Charlemagne and Clovis who converted whole lands. But while many people were Christian by name, and the pagan religions were dying out, most people didn’t practice it. One reason for this is that hardly anyone was literate, so they couldn’t read the Bible. Most clergy of the time were even illiterate, and led very secular lives. It was a disgraceful time for the Church, because there was a lot of corruption, such as priests who lived with women and bought their positions. The economic life for most Western Europeans was not much better than the religious and intellectual quality. There weren’t really any great cities and most common people worked in agriculture to provide what they could to keep their families alive. However, in the eighth century Charlemagne succeeded in starting a small renaissance and uniting much of the Frankish territory. He preserved some of the Latin literature that might’ve otherwise been lost and started a few schools to educate monks. Even though the empire fell apart after the death of Charlemagne and Europe once again regressed to an unstable period, it had given a sense of unity to the people and had managed to spread Christianity and some intellectual achievements that laste... Free Essays on Middle Ages Free Essays on Middle Ages Middle Ages The idea that the Middle Ages were "dark ages" has been exaggerated a lot. In fact the Middle ages are split into three distinct time periods, which were all quite different from each other. There are the Early, High, and Late Middle Ages. Despite the reputation for being a time when there were no moves forward in Europe, there were actually many important achievements. The Middle Ages lasted from about 500-1500, the time between the end of the Roman Empire and the Renaissance. The Early Middle Ages were probably the time that most fits the term Dark Ages, even though even they weren’t all bad. Christianity spread a lot throughout Europe during this time, thanks in part to rulers like Charlemagne and Clovis who converted whole lands. But while many people were Christian by name, and the pagan religions were dying out, most people didn’t practice it. One reason for this is that hardly anyone was literate, so they couldn’t read the Bible. Most clergy of the time were even illiterate, and led very secular lives. It was a disgraceful time for the Church, because there was a lot of corruption, such as priests who lived with women and bought their positions. The economic life for most Western Europeans was not much better than the religious and intellectual quality. There weren’t really any great cities and most common people worked in agriculture to provide what they could to keep their families alive. However, in the eighth century Charlemagne succeeded in starting a small renaissance and uniting much of the Frankish territory. He preserved some of the Latin literature that might’ve otherwise been lost and started a few schools to educate monks. Even though the empire fell apart after the death of Charlemagne and Europe once again regressed to an unstable period, it had given a sense of unity to the people and had managed to spread Christianity and some intellectual achievements that laste...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Slavery in American and the Declaration of Independence Essay

Slavery in American and the Declaration of Independence - Essay Example The promise found in the Declaration of Independence that are men are created equal must today be viewed with the caveat that those who conferred legitimacy it was convinced that blacks held no claim to the same rights as whites and so there was no necessity to qualify the promise of universal equality within the document. The draft of the Declaration of Independence that was handed over by Jefferson, Adams, and Benjamin Franklin go the Continental Congress for approval originally contained a quite long passage directly calling to question the very institution of slavery. "He has waged cruel war against human nature itself, violating its most sacred rights of life and liberty in the persons of a distant people who never offended him, captivating and carrying them into slavery in another hemisphere or to incur miserable death in their transportation thither" (Higginbotham 381). This passage is not to be found on the official Declaration, of course, because representatives to the Conti nental Congress from the southern slaveholding states quickly colluded to express objection to its potential harm to their economic interests once the shackles of British rule had been successfully thrown off. In the final version of the Declaration, references to the institution of slavery are still expressed, but only in a manner that specifically accuses the British of inciting the slaves to revolt against their owners. Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, and most of the members of the Continental Congress had historically expressed in no uncertain terms before it came to write a declaration for independence based on the radical concept that all men were created equal their belief that a righteous difference existed between the rights of whites and the rights of blacks. John Adams went so far as to write the God Himself has "never intended the American colonists 'for Negroes and therefore never intended us for slaves" (Breen 202). When the phrase "all men are created equal" is found in the Declaration, therefore, it is actually is truer than it may at first glance appear. The intention of the Declaration of Independence was to spur not blacks to fight for independence and equality, but for whites to fight for the suspension of the class rule that had dominated European civilization for centuries. Jefferson and the other founding fathers did not write or approve the Declaration as a means to give hope to slaves that the American Revolution was going to bring them freedom, or that it would endow freed blacks with anything even approaching equality. Jefferson's incitement of the proposition that all men are created equal was at the time sheer propaganda directed specifically toward white colonists whom the revolutionaries needed to buy the idea that business as usual in Europe for millennia was not the future of the coming new country. Jefferson's use of the words "all men are created equal" can actually be seen more a threat to the grounded ideals of the aristocrac y.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

NFL New Commissioner Strategy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

NFL New Commissioner Strategy - Essay Example According to National Football League, any cash that NFL take and not channeled to ACS, is used in covering the cost for cancer awareness program, the company is yet to explain where the money is profiting and channeled to. The reasonable cooperation with the media is important to the continuous popularity of the National Football League coaches and players. As a commission, I would come up with the policies that update and review the operating procedures of the leagues. To relive the congestion that exist in the locker, prior to matches, each of the participating clubs need to bring their head coach and a single player to match for an interview before the beginning of the game. The issue of domestic violence has always affected the image of companies such as National Football League. This has manifested itself on the visibility and transparency of the intimate lifestyle for the players. This has brought the issue at center stage for fans and society. It is recommended that the security cameras need to be prevalent, so that their behavior can be captured when the victims think they are undetected and discreet. As a commissioner allow questions on the profitability of the National League Football to distract them from the larger issues and ways where the domestic violence has facilitated the cultural attitudes that players need to work on (Layden, 34). Based on the Breast Cancer awareness the company is yet to provide a report on where the company channels its money. It is unclear on how much half of the items mark-up that is sold directly by National Football League and if the teams goes to ACS at all. This has a negative perception on the image of the comp any. Based on accessing the media, the reasonable cooperation with the media is important to the continuous popularity of the National Football League coaches and players. As a commission, I would come up with the policies that update and review the operating procedures of the

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Amearican Pop Cultures and Politics from 1940 to Present ( short Essay

Amearican Pop Cultures and Politics from 1940 to Present ( short questions) - Essay Example During the formal political protest of 1950-1970, audiotopia music was used to make an awakening call to Americans to oppose bad governance and fight for more civil rights and liberty. 2. Formal politics are the kind of politics that is defined by the law. In this case, there exists a legal framework on which all political issues are inclined. Just as the title implies, they are formal, organized, and very easily defined and identified. Formal politics are done be organized groups and individuals and in most cases, they involves divergent opinions on some legal perspectives. On the other hand, cultural politics are informal. In this case, culture politics basically defines the role of culture in defining economic, social and political lives of the people. As such, it involves everyday acts of political changes and ideas that are not intentional or at least based on cultural aspects. During 1940-1950, politics in America were marked with huge changes as a result of amendments made on the law to regulate the way politics are conducted. In this case, the two types of politics were harmonized so as to complete each other. between 1960 and 1970, more formalization of p olitics was done such that a shift from cultural politics to modern politics were experienced. 3.A moral panic is the term used to express a strong feeling of fear among the population that the social and moral orientation of their culture is being threatened. In this case, moral panic in America during the period 1950 to 1990 was marked with changes in the moral aspect of people. As such, more and more people started engaging in immoral behavior that was seen as catastrophic to future generation. Moral decadence was experience mainly in 1980s and 1990s whereby the issue of sexual immorality was seen to be on the riding trend. Many cases of teenage pregnancy and indecency acts